Also formerly a financial analyst with CA~IB (now UniCredit) Securities. 1999-2001, was responsible for risk assessment issues. He has implemented equity and/or debt financing restructuring; was involved in tender offers or secondary offerings (private placements, secondary public offering, electronic auctions) for cement, white goods and pharmaceuticals industry companies.
In 2005 member of the team preparing the consultancy work in the successful privatization course of action for BCR, largest bank in Romania.
Performed AVAB’s company portfolio analysis within a Phare financed project “Development of asset packages for third party handling” and advisory work for the ANL related to potential Romanian mortgage market structure, including financing through callable bonds.
During 1996 -1998, as member of the portfolio management team of Bancorex looked over all companies in which the bank was shareholder; monitored the companies financial results.
He also carried out financial analysis for equity investment proposals and presented recommendations for debt-equity swap deals for debtors companies.
Matei Dimitriu has a master in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest since 1996, is licensed as authorized broker (1997) and Securities Portfolio Consultant (2000).